Sunday, April 17, 2011

Brett's 5 Tips to Look Slimmer

Fashion trends can change overnight, but your body can�t, and so it�s important to know your body if you want to dress slimmer. The best part is that you can be comfortable and stylish while camouflaging lumpy bits & showing off your assets. And here�s how.

1. Dress your size
Wearing baggy clothes will do absolutely nothing for your figure. So don�t try hide it under baggy t-shirts and pants. Another mistake is to wear clothing that is way too tight for you. It will only expose what you are trying to hide.

This dress is loose fitted, but still her
size. It's covering her tummy & hips
without looking too big.
2. Create an Optical Illusion
Black and other dark colours are great it you are trying to look slimmer. Light colours will only emphasize an area. Also, if you�re short, you should wear pattern with vertical or diagonal lines as they draw the eye up and down, which will essentially make you look taller and slimmer.

The vertical & diagonal lines are drawing
the eye up & down rather than across.
3. Flaunt your best assets
Draw attention away from the areas you are self-conscious off by accentuating the areas you are proud off. Almost every woman�s d�colletage is gorgeous so why not show yours off by wearing off-the-shoulder tops and scoop/boat necklines.

A woman's decolletage is always beautiful.
4. Watch your length

The length of the sleeve or hem on your top can do a lot for how you look, & inevitably feel. If you have bigger arms, wear tops with sleeves. The more volume on the sleeve, the thinner the rest of your arm will seem. Also, by keeping the hem of a top long (between your stomach & hips), it will hide any bulges while elongating your torso.

This length is perfect for a blouse.
5. Shapewear is your secret weapon

There�s absolutely nothing wrong with wearing shapewear that flattens your tummy, or lifts your butt. Celebrities wear them all the time, & there isn�t any shame in trying to look your best, especially when there are no visible panty lines. Some women believe that it�s only for older or overweight women, but the truth is that it will benefit anyone. So why not try it?

This shapewear garment even allows you to wear your own bra,
while it flattens your tummy.

?Hope this was helpful :)

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